All about bicycles

Our recommendations are universal and suitable for almost any type of bike, whether it is a mountain bike (MTB, highway, gravel (gravel) or walking - urban).


A good bike is a subjective concept. It depends on how and where you are going to go. If you go from home to the store once a week, that's one thing. If you go on a bike trip, it's different. Riding it through the mountains is the third thing.

Each of these criteria determines the "goodness" of the bike, according to your needs.


The main thing about a bike is its weight. The Soviet "Kams", "Schoolchildren" and others like them are dying out. Now only cheap bicycles are made of steel. And high-quality aluminum 6061. Professional – made of titanium, carbon fiber. But the price tag on them is horse-drawn.If it is not known whether the bike in front of you is a good one or a bad one, take a magnet. If the bike is made of steel, it will definitely be magnetized, but if it is aluminum, it will not.

"What's wrong with a steel bike?" you ask.

– Well, if you live on the 1st floor and do not plan to go to the mountains, riding around the country - N And H E G O!
Otherwise, imagine what it would be like for you to drag a bike up the mountain or up the stairs, weighing 18 kilograms, without taking into account the suspension? And what does it feel like for a teenage child?



The bicycle frame is adjusted to the height of a person. The upper crossbar should not press into the groin when you are standing on the ground. The distance from the groin to the frame should be the size of a palm. This criterion is not a rule.

In fact, if you like to ride with a low frame, there is nothing wrong with that. Moreover, it affects the style and comfort of driving. Bicycles with low frames are more maneuverable, but with high ones they are more "stable", you ride them like on a tank.

When choosing a bike for women, models with a small frame of 15-16 inches are the most suitable. But this is if the woman is fragile and not tall. A bike for men - with a larger frame of 18-21 inches. The table with the usages above.



When we got the Stern Energy 2.0 bike that Andrey rides, we did not check its components. The frame was aluminum. Then it turned out that the steering wheel and seatpost were made of steel. Do you think they replaced it right away? But it's not!

The fact is that handlebars come in different lengths and widths, as well as seatrests. If you change the steel steering wheel, 60 mm long, to an aluminum 70 mm, then they will have the same weight.


The same applies to the seatpost. If its length is 350mm, but it is small for you, then when replaced with aluminum 450mm, the weight will not decrease.

When choosing a seatpost, pay attention to the seat lock. It is very inconvenient on nuts, because without wrenches you cannot adjust the saddle and tighten it.

Take the saddle lock on the imbus bolts.


Budget bicycles are usually sold with a long outrigger. Therefore, not every child, teenager or woman can reach the steering wheel. As a result, they have the wrong landing. Your lower back and arms will hurt.

important! Riding a bike with an unsuitable fit can harm your health. Therefore, when buying a bike, IMMEDIATELY ask the sellers to adjust the fit for a person!

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